Friday, May 25, 2007
The "past" orders the spiritual experience, very simply because memory is a major place in which the sacred takes root. Any spiritual consciousness is the consciousness of a foundation that is linked to the origin without for all that being antagonistic to history. History is open to the most diverse influences. Consciousness of the origin puts them in perspective by stimulating the faculty of memory. Recourse to memory is now running into direct confrontation with a dominant ideology that belongs only in the instantaneous (the perpetual present) and in the operative. It constitutes a vital counterweight to the omnipotence of process aimed at dominating the real that operate only the ledger of immediacy and efficacy.
- Alain de Benoist
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Left Hand Path available via Cafepress
The Left Hand Path is available also via Cafepress now. The book can be ordered also from Voimasana's main page, Chaos International (U.K.), Athanaton, Burning Books, Bukra, Some Place Else, Suomalainen Kirjakauppa, Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Adlibris, Bookplus, and Booky. Sammakko carries the book as well as other Voimasana titles in their shelves in Turku, but don't have them on their mailorder catalogue.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hidden curriculum in 7th graders books of religious study
"I always thought education was learning to think for yourself", Keating said. Nolan laughed. "At these boys' ages? Not on your life! Tradition, John! Discipline". He patted Keating on the shoulder patronizingly. "Prepare them for college, and the rest will take care of itself."
My little study on a hidden curriculum in 7th graders books of religious study in Finland can be found from here. The text is in Finnish and at the end of the page.
- N.H. Kleinbaum, Dead poets society
My little study on a hidden curriculum in 7th graders books of religious study in Finland can be found from here. The text is in Finnish and at the end of the page.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Quote for the day
It is only by beginning from the truth of Being that the essence of the sacred lets itself be thought. It is only by beginning from the essence of the sacred that the essence of divinity is to be thought. And it is only in the light of the essence of divinity that whatever the word 'God' names can be thought.
- Martin Heidegger
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Terra Hyperborea in Gone? # 1
Terra Hyperborea will be part of Linda Granlund's performance-installation Gone? # 1 on Thursday 14th of June in Galleria Titanik, Turku. The CD will be on sale at the occasion. More information in Finnish below.
GONE? #1
GONE? on esityksellinen installaatio. Äänimaailman, tilan ja liikkuvan kehon vuoropuhelu olemmassaolon kokemuksesta, katoamisen hetkistä. GONE? on tyhjä tila minussa, kaikkialla ja ei missään. GONE? on tila, joka toistaa itseään ja kiertää kehää. GONE? on tila johon astun. Teos on luuppimainen, kolmen tunnin toisto. Yleisö voi liikkua vapaasti tilassa. Saapua, poistua ja palata klo:19-22 välillä. Kesto 3h. Tervetuloa!
Ohjaus ja konsepti: Linda Granlund
Esiintyjät: Saara Anttonen, Anna Nuutinen ja Riina Kalmi
Musiikki: Tapio Kotkavuori / Terra Hyperborea / Gemina Stella 2005
GONE? #1
GONE? on esityksellinen installaatio. Äänimaailman, tilan ja liikkuvan kehon vuoropuhelu olemmassaolon kokemuksesta, katoamisen hetkistä. GONE? on tyhjä tila minussa, kaikkialla ja ei missään. GONE? on tila, joka toistaa itseään ja kiertää kehää. GONE? on tila johon astun. Teos on luuppimainen, kolmen tunnin toisto. Yleisö voi liikkua vapaasti tilassa. Saapua, poistua ja palata klo:19-22 välillä. Kesto 3h. Tervetuloa!
Ohjaus ja konsepti: Linda Granlund
Esiintyjät: Saara Anttonen, Anna Nuutinen ja Riina Kalmi
Musiikki: Tapio Kotkavuori / Terra Hyperborea / Gemina Stella 2005
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Ordering info for the Left Hand Path
You can find info on how to order the The Left Hand Path from here.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
The Left Hand Path is available
The Left Hand Path is available from my publisher Voimasana now. At this point interested parties are suggested to contact my publisher via and ask about price, postages, etc. There will be more detailed and extended details and possibilities (regarding distributors, etc.) later. I will keep the readers of my blog informed of all of that as things evolve.