Sunday, November 12, 2006

Writing and proofreading

I've spent lots of time in front a computer screen lately. If my last entry was about a man who wrote a classic work on the "wickedest man in the world", it seems that I have got a bit similar writing task into my hands too. More of that later, still during this year. I've been also doing some academic writing on the subject of the category of "heart" in Finnish language in general and in Finnish religious language in particular. More of that later, too.

Besides of writing my own texts it has been nice to proofread other's texts. I've been proofreading part of the coming Finnish translation of the Satanic Bible. I need to say that Paula Merensuo from Voimasana publishing has done a good job. It has been an honor to read the text in its current translated form. It has also offered a splendid possibility for a timetravel to those years when I was from 15 to 17 years old. I raise a mug of black coffee for that!

I've also done proofreading for Finnish culture magazine Virta. Among other things this distinguished magazine will feature in its next issue also my interview. Subjects touched upon in it deal with the nature of the paths, good and evil, magic, will, tradion and a cultural context in one's Work, religious experience, Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way, and so forth. The main theme of the interview can be summed into a concept of "essence". I also speak indirectly and directly about Aletheia throughout the interview. I think this is going to be one of the best interviews done with me and directed for the general public thus far. It is highly recommended reading for anyone interested.

Lastly, when it comes to Aletheia, the extra appendix included in the hardcover 3rd Finnish edition of my first book deals directly with that concept. The document is something that has been of profound influence in my pursuit of Aletheia - that is, Remembering the Self.


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