Tornion kevät
If Lordi of Rovaniemi got a free building site and a kebab dedicated to him because of his Eurovision Song Contest victory (which I think is just cool and justified), I wonder why some other Finnish artists with a much longer dedication, achievement, and impact on the world would not get at least some national or local recognition too.
Terveet Kädet, originally founded in Tornio, Northern Finland just like Lordi, has ever since their founding (in 1980 CE) made their northern city known in many ways worldwide. It is difficult to estimate the magnitude of their impact on the culture in Finland and elsewhere in just few sentences. They have certainly been pioneers in what they have been doing.
For all these years, and to the best of my knowledge without any recognition from the city of Tornio, the band has continued their career. I think it would be reasonable from the city's politicians to recognize the band as a legendary cultural force that has its roots in Tornio. If you too think that something should be done about this, please contact the city of Tornio and tell them that Terveet Kädet should be honored for their cultural achievements just like Lordi.
Terveet Kädet, originally founded in Tornio, Northern Finland just like Lordi, has ever since their founding (in 1980 CE) made their northern city known in many ways worldwide. It is difficult to estimate the magnitude of their impact on the culture in Finland and elsewhere in just few sentences. They have certainly been pioneers in what they have been doing.
For all these years, and to the best of my knowledge without any recognition from the city of Tornio, the band has continued their career. I think it would be reasonable from the city's politicians to recognize the band as a legendary cultural force that has its roots in Tornio. If you too think that something should be done about this, please contact the city of Tornio and tell them that Terveet Kädet should be honored for their cultural achievements just like Lordi.
A huge monument with lots of hands would be great on the market square!
Monument of healthy hands! :D
Kannatan myös kansallisen Sankarin arvon myöntämistä Suomea tunnetuksi tehneille. Unkari/Ukraina/whatever oli juuri myöntänyt jollekin ansioituneelle kansalaiselle Sankarin arvon.
Läjä äijälän pitäisi saada joku sankarin arvonimi, ilman muuta! Ja sit linnan juhliin kutsu! :-D
Nehän on ollut valtavia vaikuttajia ympäri maailmaa, Brasiliassa ehkä eritoten. Eikös se Sepulturan joku heebokin ole aina muistanut hehkuttaa Käsiä?
Niin ja sitten Apulannan kuuluisi maksaa Käsille takautuvasti korvausta siitä piiskabiisistä, sehän on selvästi rip-offattu Terkkareilta niitten saman nimisestä kappaleesta, minkä ne teki jo 80-luvun alkupuolella!
Eikös Ratos de Porao ole kanssa saanut vaikutteita terveiltä käsiltä? Kyllä kädet kuuluis kulttuurisesti tunnistaa ja palkita ilman muuta!
Hahaa... englanninkieliset lukijat taitaa pudota kärryiltä, mitä tulee tämän postin humoristiseen sävyyn... :D
Lyökää Äijälä ritariksi. Sir Läjä kullostaa komealta.
Jos joku Lordi saa patsaan, niin totta kai saa Terveet Kädetkin.
Vote For Terveet Kädet /,,/
Läjä Äijälä on kansallissankari
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